Tag - lunar wave

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528- Because You Know Sometimes Words Have 2 Meanings (Free)

One might go to a fair. One might wonder if they will be treated fairly, or if they will have to pay a fare, or what fare may be on the menu. We have all been taught that sometimes words have more than one meaning. And yet, there is a hidden usage of language that is dismissed as conspiratorial, […]

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527- The First and Most Basic Life – Crystals (Free)

There is a very primal feeling that emerges when I look at, or hold, crystals. Many years ago, I read that life came to be in the following order. First were minerals and crystals. The latter being the most stationary and basic form of life. Next came the plant kingdom, which contains the mineral […]

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526- Count Fortune de St. Germain Discusses the Long Game and The American Experiment (Free)

From individual freedom to communism. And so goes, or went, the Great American Experiment. As we live and breathe today, we all stand on the threshold of a new age, and with it, a new world. What follows will, in fact, be determined by what we allow. It is now that the truth will set you free. For […]

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525- The Mystical Realities of Sound (Free)

Everything in our realm seems to be cyclical. In our reality, it has been said, if it exists, it vibrates. One of the main ways we experience vibration is through sound. But, how is sound different from light if both exist due to vibration? For that matter, how is the vibration we detect as sound […]

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524- The Power of Words, Language, Symbols and Spelling (Free)

Words have meaning, and even though men like Maxwell took the time to show us how power is using words, to this day, most of us remain oblivious. Most of us still cling to the elementary uses of words and language that was taught to us in “skewl”. The truth is that the power of the written, or […]

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523- Growing Food – It all Starts with Soil, Known as Earth (Free)

Many are starting to comprehend that systems are starting to demand costs far beyond money. Food systems included. It is for this reason that there is a resurging interest in growing food, and gardening in general. Realization is setting in that it would not take much to interrupt food supplies, […]

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Episode 522.5 – A living woman beats illegal charges (Free)

This episode is a follow up to a legal episode 479. This is an update on a living woman who stood up and defended her God-given rights. She was illegally prevented access to navigable waters and illegally charged with crimes. This episode covers her success while standing up against these fraudulent […]

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522- A New Life Enters Our Realm Avoiding Synthetic Impairments (Free)

This is a love story that came to be due to a podcast. Two minds were searching for something of value, beyond the high gloss cover up of mainstream normalization. One might ask – what is normal? In our era normal seems to be whatever people are used to doing. Dissatisfied, many minds are beginning […]

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521- The World According to Cooper – Babylon (Free)

There were a few voices before the Internet era that attempted to alert the world to the realities of the coming age, which we now face. Bill Cooper was one of them and now that we can look backwards at many of the events he claimed were coming, we see he was not wrong. Even now it is hard for many […]

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520- Electroculture, Tapping the Aether to Help Your Garden Grow (Free)

Did you know that it’s been proven that there are 100 volts of electrical potential for every meter that you rise above the ground? Actually, many used to know this fact, and it is quite possible (even likely) that whole cultures and cities used to tap into potential free energy available in the […]

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519- I Agreed to Forget About 9 Months of My Life (Free)

When does life begin? We have covered this reality a number of times to point out that life begins at the zygote. Recently legislation was passed in South Korea that attempts to do away with cultural traditions of counting and recognizing the 9 months of life before birth. They are one of a few […]

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518- What is Another Way to Say the Sun in May? (Free)

Modern living has all but lost track of the importance of the light of this world, known as the Sun. This is not true for religion and so-called secret societies. Though, even in these institutions the average mind has not put 1 and 1 together, leaving the sun encoded in scripture and text. It is […]

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517- Would You Like to Play a Game of World-Wide Chess? (Free)

It does not take a genius to comprehend the planned implosion of America. Nor is it hard to see that this controlled demolition is happening in many places that used to be prosperous. And yet, there are no protests in the streets, or push-back of any kind that matters. This will change at some […]

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516- The Divine Spark of Life, Freewill and the Plant Kingdom (Free)

We are all Beneficiaries of this Creation, and one of the primary benefits is free access to the Plant Kingdom. Comprehending and claiming our God given rights is critical, and it is also a target for those who seek to control and to diminish rights all over this world. After all, those who have no […]

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515- Aliens Reported Gambling in Vegas, Media Abuse Cited (Free)

Imagine inventing a news story and then launching it across all news and internet outlets. Now imagine you have access to search engine stats and social media data. In real-time you would be able to deduce not only the reach of the fiction, but an accurate percentage of those who accept the […]

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